Periodic Tasks in Elixir, Conclusion
Following on from the last post, I needed a way to kick off the task of periodically checking for new entries in Redis and adding them to Postgres.
Scheduling tasks
There are quite a few libraries to do this. There are also Task
s and Agent
s. None of these really seem to suit my problem definition.
I don’t need state other than the initial interval and the Redis key, so there’s no need for an Agent
. A Task
seems to be a way to run one-off things, which is sort of what I want. However, I need this to be a recurring task. I would also prefer not to have to add a dependency just to accomplish this simple thing.
In Elixir’s arsenal, there is a third thing that could work, the venerable GenServer
. I can add the GenServer
to my application supervision tree, kick it off with initial values and just let it run in the background.
Firstly, in my application.ex
file, I’ll add the spec for the new process.
# application.ex
# other things are here also
worker(Links.PeriodicImporter, [[interval: 1_440_000, key: "redis:key"]])
This will start the process, pass in a value of 1,440,000 ms which is equal to 24 hours, the interval at which I want to check Redis for new content. It also passes in the Redis key, so this GenServer
can be configurable.
defmodule Links.PeriodicImporter do
use GenServer
def start_link(opts) do
{:ok, pid} = GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, opts)
:timer.apply_interval(opts[:interval], __MODULE__, :perform, [pid])
{:ok, pid}
def init(opts) do
{:ok, opts}
def perform(pid) do
GenServer.cast(pid, :perform)
def handle_cast(:perform, opts) do
last_added_at_record =
hd(Links.Repo.by_last_added_at(%{sort_direction: :desc, per_page: 1, page: 1}))
Links.PostgresImporter.import(opts[:key], last_added_at_record.added_at)
{:noreply, :ok, opts}
The implementation is a bit wordy, but it’s mostly boilerplate GenServer
code. The interesting bit is calling :timer.apply_interval
to essentially sleep the process before invoking the perform
The handle_cast
contains all the business logic. I want the last record in the table and I want its added_at
timestamp value. I can then pass that into the import
function and let it do its work.
It’s a pretty simple setup and it solves the problem.